Red, White, and Blue Ice Cream Bombe

Ice Cream Bombe: Dessert consisting of 2 or more layers of different flavored ice creams or sorbets frozen in a round mold or bowl.
I saw this in one of Martha Stewart’s magazines and knew I had to try this. Here is my own version.

ice cream bombe

This is really easy. The hardest part is not to eat all the ice cream as you make it. :)

You need a bowl. Any bowl will do. Any size will do. Small ice cream bombes would be really cute. Individualized little ice cream treats....

Soften ice cream.

Layer in bowl, first one flavor, then another.

When the bowl is full of ice cream, put it in the freezer for several hours so that it is very firm.

To take the ice cream out of the bowl, I dipped the bottom part of the bowl of ice cream in a larger bowl of hot water for  30 seconds being careful not to get water inside the ice cream bowl. Then I tried taking the ice cream out of the bowl. If it didn’t come out I dipped it again for another 30 seconds or so until the ice cream started to move around in the bowl. I turned it over and plopped the ice cream on a large plate. Then I put the whole thing in the freezer overnight.

The next day it was solid, I took it out of the freezer, covered it with Cool Whip, and drizzled it with chocolate syrup. I dipped strawberries in chocolate melts to give it the “over the top” look and decorated it with those strawberries and blueberries, too, for the red, white, and blue colors of our flag. This is looking down on the ice cream bombe.

strawberries and blueberries

The thing started to melt really fast and the blueberries slid their way down the face of the bombe, slip sliding on the chocolate syrup.

This is what it looks like to cut into it.

cutting ice cream

Impressive, huh? It’s just ice cream, layered in a bowl. That’s it. Then decorated which is the fun part, right?

hershey's chocolate sauce

Hey, everybody!! This is the easiest thing there is to do and it made a huge hit at Justin’s birthday party. Have a great weekend, everybody!


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My sister, Carol, and I have a super creative family (my nephew even makes cabin furniture) and I try to log it all
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  1. Hey Linda! I don't suppose it was milk jug crafts that gave me away! I can't seem to stop coming up with ways to use them, once I got started. Is this dinner or dessert I'm looking at in this post? lol

    Crafty Journal

  2. YUM! Pinned to my fabulous food board:)


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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