Easy to Make Bunny Stuffie for Easter and How to Make Your Own Bunny Pattern

This is a Pinterest Challenge from our Facebook Sustainable Pinterest Challenge Group.

This month the challenge is for Spring! We pick one of our favorite pins on Pinterest and challenge ourselves to make it also and make it sustainable also. 

Here is a pin from Pinterest that is a stuffed bunny and this is the one that I am inspired by. I really love it. 

It's from The House that Lars Built blog. She didn't put an eye on the bunny but I did.  I think it needed an eye.

These bunnies are so easy to make. And they make a big hit. They would look cute sitting on a chair or stuffed into a kid's Easter basket, don't you think?

I had the fabric. I love fabric. I just like the feel of it. My mother would drag me to all the fabric stores and I really hated it but now it's one of my favorite things to do. lol

Making my own patterns for sewing has been something I've been doing for some years now and it's very satisfying to find a picture on the internet or magazine and then turn it into a pattern.

Finding the right picture on the internet to make a pattern from is the important part- for your own use - not for resale, of course. I'm giving instructions for a bunny stuffie but it can apply to any animal or anything really. What you are looking for is a recognizable silhouette of the animal so that when you look at the picture (even without details) you know what it is. For the bunny, I was looking for a sideview. Even if it's not perfect, by the time you put an eye in there and perhaps a bow delineating the neck of the bunny, people will make the connection and that's all you need. 

My impressionist art teacher said that it's a quick glance that will tell you what the subject is. You don't need every detail filled in because the viewer's mind will do that and if done correctly it should be done in a quick glance. 

How to MAKE a stuffed bunny.

1.  Find a picture of a bunny in a side view.

 I didn't want individual bunny ears so I found a picture where the ears were together. I also didn't want a very skinny neck because the neck of the stuffed animal might bend and that doesn't look good. So we're looking for a picture of a bunny in any form.. real, a cartoon, even a chocolate bunny that fits the description we're looking for.

2. Print it out. 

3. Cut around the shape. Add 3/8 to 1/2 inch extra to allow for a seam.

4. Use as a pattern and cut out of cute fabric

5. Put right sides together and stitch all around leaving an opening at the bottom to you can put the stuffing in. 

6. Stuff with polyfil and sew the opening closed. 

7. I sewed on a button for an eye on each side and added a bow. 

My art teacher used to say that any picture doesn't need fine details, that the person viewing it will fill in the details in their mind's eye. 

It's really this easy. I've made all kinds of things this way.

I just made a pattern from a chocolate bunny.  It's a perfect shape. I think it would make a perfect pattern... Just download and print out any size you want.

My Scotty Dog heatpads and kitty heatpads were done this way by finding a side picture of a scotty dog or cat and printing it out and cutting out around it. Voila. Pattern.

These are cat heating pads made the same way... but stuffed with rice so they can be used as a heating pad.

You could use any chocolate bunny for a pattern and there are lots and lots of pictures of cute chocolate bunnies in all sizes and shapes. Print it out. Make it any size you want!!!! That's the beauty of this method. Sure, you might have to print out a few to get the size you want but this is CUSTOM! You choose the bunny and you choose the size. Then just cut it out! Instant pattern. It takes a few minutes to find the right picture - side view. But when you do, you are golden! 

Below are all the bloggers who are in the Pinterest Challenge Facebook Group who are participating this month. Please visit. They are amazing.

Julie | Sum of their Stories
Gail | Purple Hues and Me
Terri | A Good Life
Lydia | Life Beyond the Kitchen
T’onna | Sew Crafty Crochet
Julie | Treasures Made From Yarn
Allyson | Southern Sunflowers
Mel | Decor Craft Design
Niki | Life as a LEO Wife
Linda | Crafts a la Mode

Best wishes.

Featured at:

Funtastic Friday - Simply Beautiful by Angela


  1. Easter Hugs!!

  2. I loved your animals they are sooo cute.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. This is so cute! I love the fabric you girls find.

  4. Love the photo of mom (hi mom) and the stuffed bunny. Have a great day.

  5. Your bunny is so cute, the ears together is definitely a good idea, they would be too skinny and difficult to manage if they were apart wouldn't they? I do like that your bunny has eyes too, gives them more personality :-)

  6. Linda, Linda, Linda! It's been a while! Great to see you here! Love your bunny! It's so cute and springy!

  7. Such a lovely bunny! The fabric is really pretty and perfect f or spring.

  8. Such a sweet bunny! The cat heating pads are also adorable. I make rice heating pads, but not in shapes....I'm inspired!

  9. Your bunny is adorable and the fabric you chose is so sweet looking for a bunny form. I like your other sewn animals, too!

  10. It's so pretty!!! I love the bunny shape, it's cute and the floral pattern is so beautiful. I love your scotty dog too.

  11. These are absolutely adorable! I love hopping with you & coming by to see all of the creative things you do each week! I'm definitely going to give these a try.
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

  12. What a sweet print for the bunny stuffy! I'm sure it will be appreciated however it's used :)


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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