Easter Bunnies, Flowers, and eggs

I bought two little plants at the Hartford Flower Show. I thought they were so sweet. I loved the little purple flowers until I forgot to water them. Now I have two little plants with no purple flowers. They are now two little green plants.
I bought this really sweet bird’s nest at the flower show a few years ago and I still just love to look at it.
And these precious bunnies…
Are some of my favorite Easter things I bring out each year.
Best wishes, everyone.

Sharing at THESE great parties:

DIY Showoff Party 
Making Monday Marvelous 
Getting Crafty on Hump Day 
Trendy Treehouse



  1. Don't fret about the flowers!
    They will come back soon :)
    Keeping that plant in your window might be an idea, it's not a plant that can take full sun because its so delicate, it just needs some sun!

  2. Regarding to your "Blogs we Love"!
    Why dont you just list the name of the Blog and link the blog to the text?
    I think that would be the easist way.
    Then on some of your favorite blogs, they may have a button that you can get the code from to add. I wouldnt know how to add it to this particular page though. You have to add it to "Add a Gadget" on your Design Page.
    I hope some of this has helped and I didnt make it more confusing!

  3. VERY cute Easter decorations!!!


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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