Good Cookies–Vintage Recipe

Yes, that’s their name... Good Cookies. They are a very thin, crispy cookie.
This vintage recipe came from our Aunt Raisie (short for Doraise).
  See how thin the cookie is? You can see right through it.

Good Cookies

My sister, Carol, is the one who makes these cookies and her kids and grandkids.
She  says:


I LOVED MY Aunt Raisie – She came to visit and would get up by 5:00am to begin cooking.
She made all sorts of wonderful things and the smells of her cooking were always sure to get me out
of bed early.
I remember fried dough, chicken chop Suey, pancakes and especially these cookies.                  

1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 cup butter or margarine (softened)
2 well beaten eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
Put together and add to creamed mixture:
2 cups flour                         
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
Stir in:
2 cups Special K cereal
1 cup coconut flakes

Form into balls. Flatten with the palm of your hand – they are best if you get them really flat so they will be crispy.
In between batches, leave the cookie dough in the refrigerator which helps them not to stick to your hand.
Bake approx. 8 min. at 350 degrees.
This makes quite a few cookies. Aunt Raisie made them big and crispy!

I loved them!
This is Tina’s hand, Carol’s granddaughter. She uses the side of her hand, not the palm like Aunt Raisie did to flatten out the dough.

rolling cookie with hand

Here they are coming out of the oven.

good cookie2

If anyone likes coconut (I don’t) they will LOVE this cookie!!

Hey, Everybody, thanks for reading and have a good rest of the week.

Hi there and WELCOME! So happy that you came by to visit.
I'm Linda. My sister, Carol, and I have a super creative family (my nephew even makes cabin furniture) and I try to log it all right here on Crafts a la Mode.

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Parties to Peruse:


  1. You missed an ingredient up there - 1 cup coconut. :) These are AMAZING cookies!! I sent a bunch into my AJ's work with him and he had people coming up to him raving about these cookies! You cannot find this recipe anywhere on the Internet! Also, if you use the side of your hand, kind of roll your hand out to get that flatness. Yum!!

  2. Oh and I am not a huge fan of coconut (unless toasted) but I love these cookies!

  3. I love seeing your posts on Google +.
    I have nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    ali @ Forty before 40

  4. sounds yummy ,will have to try them !!!

  5. Those sound good! I like coconut, but I don't usually have Special K. So I can't try them till I get some of that.



So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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