Summer Cash Giveaway with Bonus Prizes

Summer 2014 Giveaway

Guess what? Another great groovy giveaway!! This month I am joining Katherine from 
Katherines Corner and some of her friends to bring you the Summer 2014 Giveaway.

Katherine from Katherines Corner

There will be three winners. One for each prize! $175 Paypal cash ( one winner) $75 e gift card to postboredom art ( one winner) and a Rejuvenoator microbubble shower head ( one winner)

summer 2014 giveaway

I am happy to be part of this sweet group to bring you this giveaway ♥ listed in no specific order

Entering is easy, log into the entry form using your email address or facebook and click on the first entry on the rafflecopter form. Then read the terms and conditions and click yes. Follow Katherines Corner and her Sponsors and Partners then enter as many bonus entries as you would like. Open to all over 18. Giveaway starts today and ends July 30th
Copy the button below and paste it to your blog for extra entries, Or copy the code from Katherines sidebar ( remember to let her know where to find it).

summer 2014 giveaway

Good luck in the giveaway. ♥


  1. thank you for being my giveaway partner xo

  2. i never knew that microbubble technology did so much!

  3. because I have no current income and 4 littles at home, I am more excited about the paypal cash, otherwish I would wish for the shower head ;)

  4. I learned that the rejuvenator leaves you feeling refreshed!

  5. I like this one:
    Urban Woman Modern Artistic Original Digital Print, Street Art, Home Decor, Interior Design, Wall Art - Art Print


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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