7 Darling Easy to Make Creche Nativity Sets

DIY Creche Nativity Sets

Wikipedia defines creche as "a group of figures arranged to represent the birth of Jesus Christ".

While researching this article in Google, Pinterest etc. I found the gamut of different kinds of creches from THE absolute simplest way to depict the figures of the holy family to the most splendid and ornate. I learned so much! Hope you enjoy!

This post is about the do-it-yourself kind of creche nativity set, the kind that most people will find easy enough to do. 

Let's start with the simplest:

This is called the minimalist creche nativity scene. How did they turn these into the creche? Click through. It's worth it.

Here is a sweet and simple creche from Shaken Together Life. Don't we love clothespins!

Holes in my Shiny Veneer has a darling creche, also, made from thread spools.  Sweet!!

Creation Corner has the sweetest little wooden nativity ornament. Easy, too. She shows how.

Gingersnap Crafts has a wooden block nativity scene. DARLING!!

Simple Everyday Life on the Hill made this stand out scene in a terrarium...

The Creative Homemaker put together this manger... Beautifully done... I'll let you click through to see what else she did with this... Yes, there are people in it.. :)

Hope you are enjoying the Christmas Season!

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Hi, I'm Linda and I am the writer, crafter, and chief-cook-and-bottle-washer of this blog. Hope you will join me for some fun and it's all about fun. What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

Follow by EMAIL if you want all the cute stuff for Christmas and through New Year's!

1 comment

  1. So many adorable creches, made with simple items that still convey what it's about. I have a very old creche but have no idea where it is out in our shed. Not able to get to holiday boxes again.
    Appreciate you finding creches for us to see, did hard work for us. Happy Christmas to you and yours.


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I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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