DIY Pokemon GO Sharpie Pikachu Cup
Right now my family, son and grandkids are into Pokemon GO. Me, too, truth be told. It's fun collecting the little creatures, sometimes I even walk. haha ha This Pikachu is double sided. Pikachu on one side has a little grin. The other side is a full blown laughing Pikachu.
I thought about how I could make something that would go along with what we are all doing and here it is... a cute little Pikachu cup. Pikachu, in case you didn't know is a little yellow Pokemon creature, hence the yellow cup. Some sharpie pens and you are good to go. Everyone needs a good cup to drink out of.
I bought this cup. It's not a tin cup which I thought I was getting but I like it a lot. It's ceramic made to look like an old tin cup. See the black along the rim of the cup and the cup handle?

I had some Sharpie pens. I did a search online for Pikachu. I printed out these pictures in the 3 x 5 inch format for the printer. They came out just the right size. I made a little stencil by cutting out the eyes and red cheeks with an X-acto knife. I used card stock paper and cut out the stencil on a piece of glass.
I used this picture but there are tons are great little pictures of Pikachu.
I cut out around the Pikachu to make sure it was the right size for the cup and it was.
I taped the little stencil onto the cup and traced around it to make the black lines around Pikachu.
I cut out all around the picture of Pikachu and then, using an X-acto knife, cut out the eyes and the cheeks.
Then I filled in the eyes and nose with a black Sharpie marker and the cheeks with a red Sharpie. Add a cute mouth.. I had to go over the lines a few times.
Then I saw some cute Pikachus that were laughing so I painted the other side of the cup with a laughing, smiling Pikachu. I cut out a new, laughing mouth and taped it onto the cup. Voila!
This next part is pretty important, all the blogs say. You need to BAKE the mug for about 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Put the mug in a cold oven, turn the temperature to 350 degrees, leave mug in oven for 30 minutes, turn off the oven, but leave the mug in the oven until it's cold. This prevents cracking. Have fun!!
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