DIY Snowman and Santa from Cedar Fence Posts

How to make a snowman and Santa from cedar fence posts!

My nephew, Michael, made these cute Santas and snowmen from cedar fence rails. 

The Snowman

The snowman is made  from cedar fence post rails, cut to 14 1/2 inches each.  

The snowman is 14 1/2 inches, painted white, has button eyes and a 3/8 inch dowel painted orange for a nose and whittled to a point. A 3/8 inch hole was drilled into the fence rail and the "nose" was glued into the hole. There is a painted mouth and a real plaid, red fabric scarf. 

Frosty's hat is a 6 inch circle cut from 1/4 inch plywood. The crown of the hat is made from a 1 1/2 inch dowel. They are glued together and painted black.

The Santa

Cut 14 1/2 inches from a cedar fence rail, that's the part of the fence that is horizontal. The cedar fence post is thicker. The Santa is painted red with, believe it or not, little mustache, eyebrows and beard cut from 1/4 inch plywood and painted white. Santa has button eyes and painted button and belt. I made the santa hats from red and white fleece. Basically the hat is a long triangle  and I add a strip of white fleece to the wide part of the triangle. Then I just stitched up the 2 sides and glued a pompom on the point.

Happy DIYing!!

You might want to check out my Old Shutter Frosty the Snowman Redo.

snowman made from cream cheese

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I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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