How to Make a Plant Swing Out of a Chair and Fresh Peaches and Cream Cupcakes

Hello, Everyone!

Happy September! Can you believe that I have been wanting to make a porch swing and lo, and behold, Apple Street Cottage comes up with a darling updated antique chair swing. I just love it. I love the color, too. It just so happens that I've recently acquired 4 old chairs and can hardly wait to make swings out of some of them. Her tutorial is exemplary also. Have fun... 

Fall is coming and acorns are all around - here in the Northeast anyway. An acorn garland is just the right fit for this time and fun to make.

A DIY book pillow, peaches and cream cupcakes that look out of this world and a ginger pumpkin pie round out the rest of this round-up from last week's party.

Join in and enjoy!

Much love,

What to do With  a Legless Chair by Apple Street Cottage

How to Make an Acorn Garland by Wisconsin Magpie

DIY Reading Pillow by Hello Sewing

Ginger Pumpkin Pie by Claire's World


  1. Lovely features and I hope you make the chair swing! xo

  2. this sounds like a great idea.


So happy you came to visit today. Everyone is so busy but if you would like to leave a note for me, I would love it!!


I am the crafter extraordinaire (on this blog anyway.) I live with my husband, my son, David, in a cozy cape cod style house in Connecticut.

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